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Would you like recipes that are easy to prepare and never taste like diet food to appear in your inbox? You’ll never have to search for low-calorie recipes again. Just subscribe and the recipes will come to you! ↓

A preview…

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Recipes for weight loss & maintenance

Are you losing weight? Do you wish you were losing weight? Or are you in weight maintenance mode? I welcome you to join me.

I don’t eat typical diet food all the time. I cook easy, low-calorie recipes. I count calories. I eat cheeseburgers as well as veggies. I have dessert every night.

I believe that food is not a moral choice. There is no “bad food.” All things in moderation. That’s what keeps me motivated to eat within my calorie budget.

Time for meal planning

After you subscribe, you’ll get my newsletter in your inbox, and I’ll include what’s been happening on Shrink Violet recently.

Not a meal-planner? No problem!

Pick and choose from my recipes…

None of them are overly complex, so if you need to shop on your way home, you’ll still have time to get dinner on the table that night.

Let’s go

If all that sounds good to you, just plug your email address into the form below, and you’ll get my free newsletter every time it’s published.

Of course, I’d never sell or share your email with anyone, and unsubscribing is easy. Thank you for being a subscriber. This is going to be fun 😀

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