You already know that I don’t believe eating carbs is bad for you. (I eat everything, just some foods I eat in moderation.) But when I heard of a way to make starchy food like rice, pasta, beans, and potatoes even better for you, I was all in. What is resistant starch? Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that resists digestion in the…
all posts tagged: dieting
It’s been a minute since I shared a selfie. Have I ever done it? I’m not really sure. The ‘before’ is a number of years ago, and the ‘after’ is last week. (Dog hair on the floor and all! lol) I’ve been losing weight by eating several low-calorie meals throughout the day. Last week I shared what I eat in…
I used to be hungry most of the time until I stumbled upon the diet technique of eating several small meals or snacks throughout the day. Now I’m usually satisfied and not hungry – or at least manageably hungry – all day long. Curious about what I eat? Here’s a typical day. Breakfast I get up at 6, have my…
Do you like delicious recipes that are easy to prepare, filling, and never taste like diet food? Subscribe and you’ll never have to search for healthy low-calorie recipes again. The recipes will come to you! Of course, I’d never sell or share your email with anyone, and unsubscribing is easy. Thank you for being a subscriber. This is going to…
Every Friday I eat a decadent dinner and dessert, no exceptions. I refuse to say “cheat day” or that I “let” myself do this. I just do it because food isn’t a moral choice. There’s no “good” or “bad” foods. There’s just food. And on Friday evenings I eat delicious treats. The six pictured Fun Size Snickers bars were what…