Calorie Counting

Diets that have failed me & the one that is (finally) working

Pretty sure I’ve tried just about every diet out there for weight loss. I’ve been trying to stay at a healthy weight for decades, and usually it works for a while, sometimes quite a while, but I’ve always gained the weight back.

A few of the diets I’ve tried and ultimately ‘failed’ at

The act of starting a diet is filled with hope. Hope for finally being healthy. For looking better. For no longer hating the effects of being fat. And when the weight comes back it is demoralizing. Feeling like a failure. Realizing that yet again I won’t be able to pull it off. It is so depressing.

With all this negative experience behind me, you’d think I wouldn’t be optimistic about my new diet plan, but you’d be wrong. I really feel like this is it. I’m going to be able to eat this way forever. I’ve never felt this way about a diet before.

Calorie Counting

Calorie counting can be a highly effective tool if you’re looking to shed some pounds and improve your overall health. By monitoring your daily calorie intake, you gain a deeper understanding of your eating habits and can make more informed choices. This approach promotes portion control and a heightened awareness of the nutritional content of foods, which can lead to better decision-making.

Calorie counting allows for flexibility in your diet, enabling you to enjoy your favorite treats in moderation while still staying within your calorie goals. It’s a sustainable and adaptable method that empowers you to take charge of your weight loss journey, ultimately contributing to long-term success and a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Why calorie counting is working for me

Check out what I eat in a day for details, but the gist is this: I can eat whatever I want in moderation. So if I’m craving a 60 calorie Fun Size Snickers bar and it fits in my calorie budget for the day, I can have one!

I use the Lose It iPhone app (also available for Android) to plan out my calories, and it has all the right bells and whistles for me. It rewards you at every 5 pounds lost, it adjusts your daily calorie budget depending on that day’s weight and your goals, and it is cute! It has emojis for all the food in the food tracker, and it is well designed and pretty to look at.

I’ve been following calorie counting for 5 months now, and I haven’t “cheated” once. I’ve stayed on track, created a wonderful low-calorie breakfast smoothie, and even had weekly Fun Days – calling them “cheat days” makes it seem like eating junk food occasionally isn’t part of the over-all plan.

Want to give calorie counting a try?

A good place to start is with my low-calorie recipes. I also highly recommend the Lose It app for calorie planning. I have a list of helpful weight loss tools I use as well.

I wish you luck! Please comment below to let me know how it’s going or if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help.

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