Calorie Counting

I’ve lost 65 pounds eating this way!

before after 65 pound weight loss

It’s been a minute since I shared a selfie. Have I ever done it? I’m not really sure. The ‘before’ is a number of years ago, and the ‘after’ is last week. (Dog hair on the floor and all! lol)

I’ve been losing weight by eating several low-calorie meals throughout the day. Last week I shared what I eat in a day as an example. But if you want to craft your own menu, just click the buttons in the header (Lunch, Dinner, Snacks…) for ideas and recipes.

I don’t love to cook complex recipes every day. For everyday meals I like to spend 30 minutes or less in the kitchen, and my recipes reflect that desire.

I haven’t set a final weight loss goal because it’s been so long since I was a healthy weight. I know what BMI says I should weigh, but I’m not really sure what weight I’ll feel best at.

My doctor says I’d be in good shape if I lost another 10 pounds, but I may go down as much as 25 more pounds or more. We’ll see..

65 pounds bear cub

I’ve lost 65 pounds so far which is 26% of my starting weight. The Lose It app tells me that is the same weight as a one year old bear cub. Whoa. I’m so glad I don’t carry that around with me all day any longer.

I feel great and ready to lose more weight! I feel empowered by my several low-calorie meals a day strategy, because it’s working for me.

I rarely feel unmanageably hungry – or worse: Hangry! I mostly feel satisfied with the amount of food I eat. The rest of the time I am a little hungry, but not uncomfortably so.

I have enough energy to exercise – especially when I start the day with my Pre-Workout Smoothie – and the energy lasts all day.

In short, I’m at a place I never thought I’d get to. I’m close enough to my goal that I see myself achieving it. It may take a while, or it may happen quickly, but for sure it will go down.

Care to join me?

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